Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Latest Trends of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in 2019

Have you ever heard of cars without a driver? Have you used Alexa or Siri or any other similar smart personal assistant service? Most likely, the answer is yes.

All of us have used, heard, seen or experienced the impact of the devices that are developed through the use of Artificial Intelligence Services. This applied science is growing beyond exaggeration and is infiltrating our daily lives.

Due to a large number of applications and a futuristic reach, companies are rapidly investing to acquire and exploit this field of applied science. The technical directors of organizations and their teams of AI developers are constantly looking for ways to develop and implement this advanced technology to get the most value from it. The developers are trying to build AI models that appropriately replace direct human work. This is expected to solve problems related to deficiencies in human efforts such as inefficiency, inaccuracy, etc.

Through this experience, companies emphasize the manufacture of devices and machines that can perform tasks and respond to conditions like humans. Some of the general and most popular activities you can expect from AI technology tools include voice recognition, learning capabilities, planning actions and problem-solving.

Latest trends in Artificial Intelligence technologies in 2019:
Latest Trends of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in 2019
Latest Trends of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in 2019

Digital Twin / AI modeling

Digital twins are also known as large scale models. These are virtual models of things, objects, tools, buildings or devices that organizations can use to run simulations before building and implementing real products. In general, applied data scientists and mathematicians with in-depth knowledge of the product at hand and machine learning are used to create a digital twin using AI modeling.

Designing new components in the automotive and aviation industry is a tedious, slow and expensive process. However, with the help of artificial intelligence engineers, engineers can create and generate millions of new and innovative designs and configurations in comparatively much less time and cost. Companies are using this machinery to save money, maintenance costs, reduce product defects and production time to reach the market. Multinational companies such as General Motors and Airbus are known for using artificial intelligence technology to design new components.

Facial recognition

Previously, fingerprints/handprints were the only way to identify each unique individual and were used to provide reliable security. Now facial recognition has become a massively utilized mechanism and used for security purposes.

The science of facial recognition is becoming popular due to numerous applications in real-world scenarios. This artificial intelligence technology explores an image and immediately compare the different geometric physiognomies of a person's facial features with the entire database through a one-to-many search. The device uses data such as the structure of the nose, the distance between the eyes and the shape of the lips.

AI-Enabled Chips DevOps through AIOps

AI-enabled applications are too fast to be handled by normal or advanced CPUs. This year, scientists and engineers expect new developments in the field of AI-enabled chips based on field-programmable door matrices (FPGA). The Qualcomm A12 chip is one of the examples of the latest impact of AI-driven technology.

Chip manufacturing companies will work to develop specialized chips for different capacities of artificial intelligence technologies such as natural language processing and voice recognition. Major technology brands such as Amazon, Google and Facebook are expected to invest more resources in the field of AI-enabled custom chips. These chips are expected to handle high-performance computing, predictive analysis and accelerate the processing of queries with next-generation databases.


Biometrics is an Artificial Intelligence application, which is used for security purposes. This can be categorized into two parts: physical and behavioral. Typical and measurable characteristics of human body parts such as nose shape, ear size, iris, fingerprint, and DNA are measured and analyzed in physical biometrics. This data is transformed into the code used by the AI ​​system for further processing.

Behavior characteristics such as walking speed, typing rhythm, how to interact with the device, etc. are stored in the database and, then used during authentication. Face recognition, sound, and iris are some of the physical biometric applications. Behavioral biometrics is used primarily for market research, prediction, and analysis.


To conclude, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, many of our daily personal and business activities can be carried out efficiently by programmed machines. According to the latest Artificial Intelligence trends, the level of Artificial Intelligence technology differs from one geographical region to another. However, with several applications, utilities, and benefits, it is clear that the popularity of Artificial Intelligence technology is increasing exponentially. The prospects for AI use in the future are very large. This has been demonstrated in the current use of AI in the medical, banking, gaming, and transportation, manufacturing and defense sectors.
We at Fusion Informatics have worked on Artificial Intelligence projects for this upcoming technology and help our clients to better data processing and add new features that are updated on their mobile applications that are useful for their end-users.

Fusion Informatics is one of the best Mobile Apps Development Company in Bangalore. The Company provides Mobile applications, Android application and ios app development companies Bangalore and helps Business owners to reach more customers who want to change their business towards application development, Artificial Intelligence Mobile Apps Development Company in India, and Chatbot Development Company, The Company has a very good working environment. To know more about my company, Visit Fusion Informatics

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Top 5 Must Have Features of Mobile App Design

The mobile application design goes beyond simply pressing the alphabet, numbers, and writing algorithms to create iOS and Android applications for mobile devices. The mobile application designer must take the needs of the end-user and add them to the technical specifications. This allows programmers to design and produce applications that can be accepted by many people because the application has the functionality and features that are suitable for the most part if not all user requests are properly cut into one application.

And speaking of features that should be integrated by mobile application design during the Mobile Application Development phase, this article takes you far to the heart of successful application programming and explores the 5 features that must be known from mobile application design that you should know about. So what is described in this post are some features that almost every application has. By remembering this, it is time to explore it.
Top 5 Must Have Features of Mobile App Design
Top 5 Must-Have Features of Mobile App Design
1. The Social Network icon Incorporated
Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are part of hundreds of millions of people's daily lives, globally. This is why there are almost 1.5 billion active users on Facebook alone. So, it is very important for your application to enter social media icons. This is a de facto means of communicating between various age demographics in this digital era. And when you are in it, including also sharing email. This will give users the ability to use this feature to share email. You can do this through effective Mobile Application Development tools by Mobile Application Development Companies.

2. Search Feature Added
Many developers do not clearly define the search input field in which their users can easily enter text. This is a serious mistake. Your app needs to add a search bar. This will facilitate user access to content. With this, you help your users to engage with your app and stay there. Also, this will give your users a robust search experience in your mobile application. Your users will feel very good, which will generate loyalty for your brand. But if you do not include it in the Mobile App Development phase, your users may not be able to find the answers they need. This is very serious because they will go elsewhere, which will result in a loss of conversion rate in clicks.

3. Responsive Design
You may know that responsive design is ideal for websites. But it's not just for a website, but mobile apps as well. With responsive design, you can resize, display, hide and format a user interface for a screen of different sizes and more.

But what is responsive design? In simple terms, this is the graphical interface that allows your websites and applications to adapt to different screen sizes. With it, you do not have to develop different websites and applications - one for desktops and another for mobile devices. You just need a responsively designed application.

From what has been written above, you may find that you need to create a responsive application that will address both desktops and mobile device users simultaneously with responsive Mobile Application Development design. This option is much better because it is cheaper and faster to design than to decide to create two applications individually.

4. More touch features
Currently, there are more than 8.98 billion mobile connections worldwide. And it is also interesting to know that among this large number of users of these devices, a much higher percentage uses smartphones and other modern digital devices using touch screen technology. This clearly shows that your application can not compete if other features of the touch screen are not integrated into the application. So make the most of user experience on a touch screen. Design the application at the development stage of your mobile application for minimal keyboard use.

5. Offline functionalities

The applications are not the website. For websites, you will have to connect to the Internet to get access. This should NEVER be the case with your mobile applications that will always be downloaded and installed on mobile devices. Allowing the application to run when there is no internet connection offers additional convenience and easy to use for everyone. People can access important content within their application without connecting to the Internet.

If your application cannot be used when users are offline, it means that the application is virtually useless, which would make many users uninstall it and opt for better-built applications that have offline functionalities. That said, if you have created an application and this function is not included, you should return to the Mobile Application Development stage and correct it immediately. This will make your application very intuitive, practical, useful and easy to use.

In total, applications are designed to satisfy specific needs. And those needs will be dissatisfied if the appropriate functions and features are not included in the application. In addition to this, some features must be included for applications to function optimally, which will increase their competitiveness. But this does not mean that the application must be full of all kinds of features. Most users do not like unnecessarily complicated things. Therefore, it is important to include only the features that are needed, some of which were discussed above. (These are 5 essential features of mobile application design that every programmer should take into account).

Are you looking for the Best Mobile Application Development Company in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, India? Your search query ends with Fusion Informatics is one of the leading Best Mobile Application Development Companies in India. The company provides the Android App Development in Mumbai and Best iPhone Application Development Companies in Bangalore and help business owners to reach more customers to develop their business who want to change their business towards app development. Artificial Intelligence Services, IoT App Development Company Bangalore, The Company has a very good working atmosphere. To know more about my company, Visit Fusion Informatics

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development

React Native App Development is a remarkable framework for the cross-platform Mobile Applications Development.

If you want to make your presence on the Android and iOS platforms but don't want to spend too much time and resources, React Native is what you need. This framework has been used by several popular applications such as Instagram, Airbnb, Walmart, UberEats, Skype, etc.

But wait a minute!

If you are just starting by developing your application on React Native, I have a few suggestions for you.

There are many things you must remember before starting to develop a mobile application with React Native.

10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development
10 Reasons to Use React Native for Mobile App Development

Let's see.

1. The purpose of developing the React Native apps

React Native is one of the main frameworks for developing cross-platform mobile applications, but that does not mean that every application must be developed within this framework.

If your motive is to only create multi-platform mobile applications, you can do this by only using WebView and publishing your application on both platforms. And, people with fewer expectations have already done it. But we can't expect a great and visual performance that amazes them. They are often unable to handle heavy tasks and provide a user experience that is comparable to the original application.

However, by taking React Native, it is not only fast but also allows us to use basic components that are almost inaccessible from the WebView application.

Also, See - Reasons you should build your app in React Native

2. Select the right navigation library

Even after years of standing, React Native has not provided an efficient solution or a replacement for the old navigator component. Most developers still rely on community solutions. It is important to choose the navigation library that is right for your needs from the start of the project.

There are two types of navigation libraries: JavaScript Navigator and Native navigator. JavaScript navigators are easier to set while Native navigators are more performance-oriented. First, try to find out what you need and then choose from the variety of options available.

Also See - React Native — Future of cross-platform app development

3. Use the Expo-Kit only if needed

Expo-Kit is free and is surely one of the best open source toolchains for React Native, but also comes with several limitations. React Native does not support third-party packages with special native modules, and therefore you must issue a Kit-Expo later.

You must use the Expo-Kit when you want a playground to quickly create a new application with the help of a native package-reaction-application or you know that all application requirements can be covered from the solutions offered by the Expo.

4. React Aboriginal style

React's native style works almost like CSS, but you may be dissatisfied. Native React does not have a waterfall, offers a limited inheritance and many properties are not also supported.

But as we know, almost all systems have flaws. The important thing is to know if you can find workarounds or alternatives to achieve your goals. All React Native components are flex by default. If you limit the size of your components (user interface and styles on one page), you probably will not encounter any problems.

5. Scaling your app on different devices and screen sizes

If you are developing an application, you want to target different devices and screen sizes. Here you usually have two options: you can have a different user interface / UX depending on the screen size or choose to have the same for all screen sizes.

The former is probably the best option for most applications, while the developer usually proceeds with the latter when working on a game. You can identify screen sizes through the Dimensions API or use a third-party package. Such as react’s native responsive user interface.

Also See - Top 10 React Native App Development Companies in India

6. Performance

React Native allows us to work in short development cycles and complete the project on time. No heavy components will make you wait until it is charged. It comes with features like hot reloading that speeds up the grouping process and lets you see every change on the emulator or device in no time.

7. Animations

Are you thinking of creating a Native React application with animations? You may need to rethink your decision. Animations are very important nowadays, but React Native still improves its animation equivalent.

I'm not telling you not to use animations but to always test the animations on the device. Emulators do not provide a correct return and leave you in uncertainty. You should also use the native driver = true as much as possible to get better performance.

Also See - Advantages of React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

8. Use the CSS-in-JS encapsulation library

In React Native, we have no choice; we do not just stick to CSS written in JavaScript. But if you want to make CSS writing exciting again and JSX seems more semantic, instead of using the StyleSheet.create method and writing code as pure JavaScript, it's better to use the library. Styled Components. This will greatly enhance your CSS experience.

9. Convert any web project to mobile easily

One of the main advantages of React Native is its intensive code reuse. You can publish an update for two platforms simultaneously. This makes it easier to detect bugs. Developers who are not engaged in a project can understand it without problems.

React Native increases productivity and helps increase team flexibility. It also reduces the time spent on quality assurance and makes it easy to convert your Web project into a mobile decision.

10. Some additional points to consider

There are also many minor things you need to know or take into account when developing a cross-platform application to React Native. Let's see some of them:

React Native does not support all properties such as picture style accessories, view style accessories, text style accessories, and shorthand properties. You should always prefer the most popular ones in your project. For example, instead of margin, opt for specific options such as bottom margin, top margin, leaving a margin, right margin.

React Native does not have DOM elements. Instead, we work with native elements.
React Native does not support percentage values ​​for all properties. If you try to give a percentage value, the framework will ignore it or your application will crash.
React Native supports flex by default. So, learn it and use it whenever you can. This makes work easy sometimes.

Are you searching for the React native application development companies Bangalore? Your search query ends with Fusion Informatics is one of the Leading Top Mobile App Development Companies in India. We develop the best React native application platform by choosing a framework. We can make and distribute applications quickly to our esteemed clients. Fusion Informatics developed the React iphone/ iOS App Development Bangalore and Android App Development in Bangalore using the latest React Native technology.

To know more about the Fusion Informatics visits our portfolio.

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

How Much Does an App Like Naukri Cost Job Portal Application | Fusion Informatics

Naukri is one of the biggest and most popular career sites that have helped job seekers find good jobs. This is also a list of search jobs and pay-per-click on the web. This is also a very profitable site; hence some people think of Develop an app like Naukri.

Naukri has around 25,000 partner sites; hence, searchers are spread to all Naukri partner sites. It controls career and job parts from other publishers including Bloomberg.

How Much Does an App Like Naukri Cost Job Portal Application | Fusion Informatics
How Much Does an App Like Naukri Cost Job Portal Application | Fusion Informatics

Anyone can watch videos on YouTube but only registered users or members can upload videos.

The popular site has grown so fast that it has surpassed its rival, "Monster". The Chief Executive Officer, CEO, Paul Forster revealed that the key to Naukri's rapid growth and development is to create or provide a great user experience. Naukri has also launched many products and new partnerships to various publishers to expand their reach and target. In addition to launching many products to be promoted and advertised, to truly get more followers, word of mouth can be the key to growth and development. Some special features include Email products that send job listings or job openings to users or site members. He also has a collection of sponsored jobs throughout the web. Naukri gets most of its income from sponsored jobs.

Many people who are looking for jobs find a very useful Naukri site. This site provides a list of job openings in all areas. This list is always updated every now and then. Naukri is not only a job search site but also a job placement tool.

Other services offered by Naukri that have been very useful and useful include job search, job trends, resume uploads, storage and search, industry trends, salary search, job competition indexes, and website forums.

Using the Naukri site is an easy way to find a job because you can do it right in the comfort of your home. You will always have the opportunity to see all job openings and from there choose the one that will fulfill your qualifications. If you have chosen a particular job, you can send or email your application to the address they provide.

While Naukri continues to grow and generate more income, some people have considered the cost to develop job portal app like Naukri. Developing applications must be done by developers who are experienced and not only by anyone who happens to know how to adjust to the qualifications of something. For example, you must get service from a skilled developer if you want to have a quality application. Thus, you must be prepared to pay higher professional fees to your developer. The developer will develop the application according to your needs and according to what you say to do it. You then have to consider the total cost estimation of an App like Naukri after you have determined and instructed the developer to include various features in your application. People today are becoming more mobile and up to date in this competitive market, you even need to update your technology & that's why you need to create applications like Naukri to hire knowledgeable and passionate employees through ongoing technology.

Are you wanted to develop an app like Naukri and know the App Development cost of an App like Naukri? Your search query ends with Fusion Informatics is one of the best Mobile App Development Company in India, Bangalore, Mumbai. You can develop an app like Naukri with Fusion Informatics a sufficient period of time with most effective app development team. We have years of experience in developing applications in different platforms. To know more info to visit Fusion Informatics portfolio.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Advantages of React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

Are you planning to develop a cross-platform application? You do not know which cross-platform language to use? We are here to help you choose. Before choosing the language, you need to know what a cross-platform application is.

Cross-platform applications are applications that can be used on different operating systems. They have a single code base. The most commonly used type is:

Native cross-platform applications

Native cross-platform applications are developed when you use the APIs offered by Apple and the Android SDK. These applications are executed in other programming languages that are not supported by operating system vendors.
A third-party vendor provides a centralized development environment. It can control the process of establishing the React Native App Development package for iOS and Android. The package is created using a single code base. If the final application uses native and cross-platform APIs, native applications without any lag can achieve native performance.

Advantages of React Native for Cross-Platform App Development
Advantages of React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

Take a look at the Top Cross-platform language.

React Native

The React Native App Development framework was developed by Facebook in 2013. The origin of the React website prompted the community to advance in the development of the framework. It was a way to create a user interface for the Web using JavaScript. This framework is available with many of the tools and practices that best suit web developers.

In addition, this has given a style to the development of the user interface that is based on a simple idea. According to React Native, the user interface is a function of the data and, if the data changes, the user interface must also be modified. The development tool for debugging applications is very useful because it saves time.

Benefits of using React Native
React Native uses several user interface blocks to develop mobile apps for Android and iOS. React Native allows developers to see their code and their implementation on real mobile screens simultaneously. Some of the benefits of React Native are:

• Cost-effective

Cross platforms can be built and maintained economically using React Native. When an application is created, almost half of the codes can be used on different platforms. Apart from this, the development of a cross-platform application results in less expenditure on quality assurance. The user interface elements of the multiplatform are platform-specific and a common code base. Creating a cross-platform application will not help you fix UI bugs, but debugging may take less time. The reason is that you must resolve the bug that is in the common code base once.

• A team

The product owner who wants to develop a cross-platform application will only need a team of developers. These are competent and trained in a set of technologies. With the help of React Native, the team can develop an application adapted to different platforms.

• Greater Reach

For many companies, mobile apps are a means of promotion and sales channel. By using Native React, you can create a cross-platform application that is very useful for owners. These applications allow you to reach a wider audience. With one app, you can simultaneously target the iOS and Android audience market.

Therefore, if your application is simple, you can use React Native to develop the cross-platform application. If your application is complex and has web development experience, React Native will help you solve all your problems. React Native is the Top cross-platform language.

Are you planning to develop a React Native cross-platform application? Your search query ends with React Native Application Development Company Bangalore. Fusion Informatics is one of the Best leading Mobile App Development Companies in Mumbai, Bangalore, India. The Company provides the Mobile applications and Android application development Company in Mumbai and helps Business owners to reach more customers who want to change their business towards application development, iOS App Development Companies Bangalore, Blockchain application development in Bangalore, and Progressive Web Apps Development Company. The Company has a very good working environment. To know more about my company, Visit Fusion Informatics

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