Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Top 5 Must Have Features of Mobile App Design

The mobile application design goes beyond simply pressing the alphabet, numbers, and writing algorithms to create iOS and Android applications for mobile devices. The mobile application designer must take the needs of the end-user and add them to the technical specifications. This allows programmers to design and produce applications that can be accepted by many people because the application has the functionality and features that are suitable for the most part if not all user requests are properly cut into one application.

And speaking of features that should be integrated by mobile application design during the Mobile Application Development phase, this article takes you far to the heart of successful application programming and explores the 5 features that must be known from mobile application design that you should know about. So what is described in this post are some features that almost every application has. By remembering this, it is time to explore it.
Top 5 Must Have Features of Mobile App Design
Top 5 Must-Have Features of Mobile App Design
1. The Social Network icon Incorporated
Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are part of hundreds of millions of people's daily lives, globally. This is why there are almost 1.5 billion active users on Facebook alone. So, it is very important for your application to enter social media icons. This is a de facto means of communicating between various age demographics in this digital era. And when you are in it, including also sharing email. This will give users the ability to use this feature to share email. You can do this through effective Mobile Application Development tools by Mobile Application Development Companies.

2. Search Feature Added
Many developers do not clearly define the search input field in which their users can easily enter text. This is a serious mistake. Your app needs to add a search bar. This will facilitate user access to content. With this, you help your users to engage with your app and stay there. Also, this will give your users a robust search experience in your mobile application. Your users will feel very good, which will generate loyalty for your brand. But if you do not include it in the Mobile App Development phase, your users may not be able to find the answers they need. This is very serious because they will go elsewhere, which will result in a loss of conversion rate in clicks.

3. Responsive Design
You may know that responsive design is ideal for websites. But it's not just for a website, but mobile apps as well. With responsive design, you can resize, display, hide and format a user interface for a screen of different sizes and more.

But what is responsive design? In simple terms, this is the graphical interface that allows your websites and applications to adapt to different screen sizes. With it, you do not have to develop different websites and applications - one for desktops and another for mobile devices. You just need a responsively designed application.

From what has been written above, you may find that you need to create a responsive application that will address both desktops and mobile device users simultaneously with responsive Mobile Application Development design. This option is much better because it is cheaper and faster to design than to decide to create two applications individually.

4. More touch features
Currently, there are more than 8.98 billion mobile connections worldwide. And it is also interesting to know that among this large number of users of these devices, a much higher percentage uses smartphones and other modern digital devices using touch screen technology. This clearly shows that your application can not compete if other features of the touch screen are not integrated into the application. So make the most of user experience on a touch screen. Design the application at the development stage of your mobile application for minimal keyboard use.

5. Offline functionalities

The applications are not the website. For websites, you will have to connect to the Internet to get access. This should NEVER be the case with your mobile applications that will always be downloaded and installed on mobile devices. Allowing the application to run when there is no internet connection offers additional convenience and easy to use for everyone. People can access important content within their application without connecting to the Internet.

If your application cannot be used when users are offline, it means that the application is virtually useless, which would make many users uninstall it and opt for better-built applications that have offline functionalities. That said, if you have created an application and this function is not included, you should return to the Mobile Application Development stage and correct it immediately. This will make your application very intuitive, practical, useful and easy to use.

In total, applications are designed to satisfy specific needs. And those needs will be dissatisfied if the appropriate functions and features are not included in the application. In addition to this, some features must be included for applications to function optimally, which will increase their competitiveness. But this does not mean that the application must be full of all kinds of features. Most users do not like unnecessarily complicated things. Therefore, it is important to include only the features that are needed, some of which were discussed above. (These are 5 essential features of mobile application design that every programmer should take into account).

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1 comment:

  1. The success of an application can depend upon various factors like ease of use, functionality, speed, design, etc. But Mobile App Design is one of the vital factors, which if gone wrong, can ruin the entire user experience.


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